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Commissioner Eggert noted that she was a little confused <br />between the workshop and talking with Mr. Blankenship afterward <br />because she was led to believe the consultants did it all and <br />then she particularly asked about the legal positions and got <br />from Mr. Blankenship the descriptions written up by the <br />consultants. Some of those were missing; and, in fact, all of <br />the legal department was missing, which she found odd, and then <br />she found that was done "in-house for practice." Mr. <br />Blankenship told her they had used the Legal Department as kind <br />of a training program, and she finds some major problems in the <br />legal area. <br />Director Blankenship entered the meeting, and the Chairman <br />informed him that after the workshop, which was the very first <br />time the Commissioners had an opportunity to see the study, the <br />general feeling seemed to be that they felt fairly comfortable <br />with the blue collar evaluation, that there are no glaring <br />deficiencies. However, after reviewing this over the weekend, it <br />seems there are significant questions to be answered and the <br />Board is sending a message to the people in the building that we <br />have not adopted anything and until these questions are resolved, <br />will not be making any decisions. The Board wants to get the <br />consultant back under some format to get their questions <br />answered. <br />Director Blankenship noted that the report is just a draft <br />and they have not even formally recommended it as yet. He noted <br />that he caught the tail end of Commissioner Eggert's remarks <br />about Personnel doing some of the job descriptions. He confirmed <br />that the consultant left a portion of the job descriptions to be <br />written by the Personnel staff as a training exercise. As a <br />part of the contract, our staff needed to be trained to maintain <br />the system. .It probably was not a propitious move on their part <br />to select that particular segment for training, and he wished <br />they had selected something easier, possibly something in the <br />clerical area, but be that as it may, that section was purposely <br />76 <br />APR 26 198 <br />BOOK 72 ?'r+uC 2 35 <br />