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The Board reviewed the following memo dated 5/27/88: <br />TO:Charles P. Balczun DATE: May 27, 1988 FILE: <br />County Administrator <br />DIVISION HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />SUBJECT: GRETCHEN SCOTT'S REQUEST <br />Robert M. Kea ing, ICP FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION <br />Planning & De elop ent Director APPROVAL AND SITE PLAN <br />APPROVAL FOR A NONCOM - <br />THROUGH: Stan Boling 1.216 MERCIAL STABLE <br />Chief, Current Development <br />FROM: Robert E. Wiegers REFERENCES: gretchen scott <br />Staff Planner BWIEG2 <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at its regular <br />meeting of June 21, 1988. <br />PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND LOCATION: <br />Gretchen Scott, owner of the subject property, has authorized <br />Frank DeJoia, her agent, to submit a minor site plan application <br />As part of a request for special exception approval of a noncom- <br />mercial stable in the RS -1, Single Family Residential District. <br />The subject property is located at 11675 Roseland Road. <br />Pursuant to Section 25.3 of the Zoning Code, Regulation of Special <br />Exception Uses, the Planning and Zoning Commission is to consider <br />the appropriateness of the requested use based on the submitted <br />site plan and the suitability of the site for that use. The <br />Commission then concurrently makes a recommendation to the Board <br />of County Commissioners regarding the special exception use and <br />acts on the submitted site plan. The County may attach any <br />conditions and safeguards necessary to assure compatibility of the <br />use with toe surrounding area. <br />At its regular meeting of May 26, 1988, the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission voted to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners <br />that special exception approval of the non-commercial stable be <br />granted; and granted site plan approval subject to Board approval <br />of the special exception use. <br />An analysis of the submitted site plan is as follows: <br />ANALYSIS: <br />1. Property Size: 7.79 acres <br />2. Zoning Classification: RS -1, Residential Single Family <br />Zoning District (up to 1 unit/acre) <br />3. Land Use Designation: RR -2, Rural Residential (allowing up <br />to 1 unit/acre) <br />4. Existing Use: Currently single family; the owner is present- <br />ly using the site to privately house horses and is submitting <br />this request to being the use in to conformity with County <br />ordinances. <br />16 <br />8001(73 FA;;E 63 <br />