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Division 7 - A -1-A Improvements <br />Bidder: Dickerson Florida, Inc. <br />Base Bid <br />$ 47,272.80 <br />TOTAL CONTRACT COSTS $ 477,080.80 <br />Temporary Water System which can be converted <br />to irrigation system project costs 10 000.00 <br />Projects Costs $ 487,080.80 <br />Alternative No. 2 <br />Award bids as presented in Alternative No. 1 above with the <br />following deletions: <br />Delete 1 Dune Walkover Structure <br />Delete Parking Lot lighting <br />Delete 24 parking spaces <br />Delete 1 Group Picnic Shelter <br />Substitute plain concrete block for <br />split face ribbed block <br />Total Reductions <br />19,580.00 <br />6 ,232.00 <br />10,266.40 <br />9,407.00 <br />990.00 <br />$ 46,475.40 <br />If this alternative is accepted, staff would have to seek Florida <br />DNR approval due to amending the approved grant. <br />RECOMMENDATION AND FUNDING <br />Staff recommends awarding the bids as presented in Alternative <br />No. 1. <br />Funding to be as follows: <br />Florida DNR FRDAP Grant $ 150,000.00 <br />Fund 113 - Surplus Property Fund 140,000.00 <br />Fund 119 Dist. 2 Tourist Tax 65,000.00 - <br />Fund 117 Tree Ordinance Fund 5,000.00 <br />FY 1987/88 Parks Fund 001-210 - <br />Surplus funds from Lowenstein <br />Acquisition 47,865.00 <br />Fund 1988/89 Parks Budget 001-219 79 215.80 <br />487,080.80 <br />The above funding necessitates establishment of a project account <br />and a short term provision for construction funding since the <br />;grant is,a reimbursible grant which involves lengthy processing. <br />Administrator Balczun advised that staff also is <br />recommending an additional $10,000 to underwrite the cost of a <br />temporary water system to the site until such time as the County <br />runs a public potable water supply to that area. That additional <br />cost would bring the total to $487,080.80. <br />Commissioner Bird understood all the funds are in place for <br />this project with the exception of the 88-89 parks budget of <br />$79,215, which is anticipated to be in next year's budget, and <br />which would make up the remainder of the revenue. <br />22 <br />JUN 2119 Bou .73 FrGE 69 <br />