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Public Works Director Jim Davis explained that the $79,215 <br />shortfall in the park's 88-89 fund is due to the shortfall in <br />revenue received from the Tourist Tax, which was projected to be <br />much more than what actually has been received. The $79,215 was <br />to have come out of the 88-89 fiscal year since the work will not <br />be completed until late December, 1988. <br />Vice Chairman Wheeler noted that the shortfall in Tourist <br />Tax revenues is from District 2, and there is an effort to find <br />the reason for that. However, he felt the effort is going to <br />cost more than what would be received back in District 2. It <br />all stays in the county; it is just that District 2 has a <br />shortfall. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if we had any legal problem with <br />approving the project as presented since some of the budget funds <br />are to come from.a budget that has not been approved as yet. <br />Assistant County Attorney Bill Collins explained that if the <br />Board approves the awards of these contracts today, they commit <br />to the payment for the construction work. If the recommended <br />funding source does not provide those funds, the Board has to be <br />aware that the funds must come from somewhere since we would be <br />contractually obliged to pay for the construction work. <br />Commissioner Bird did not mind making the commitment now and <br />awarding the contract based on the anticipated revenue of next <br />year's budget because he believed this amount will fall within <br />the amount that is normally budgeted for capi.tal improvements in <br />the parks fund. He believed that the Parks S Recreation <br />Committee would go along with that commitment also in order to <br />get Golden Sands going. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, that the Board award the bids <br />for construction of Golden Sands Park as indicated in <br />the above memo and approve the funding sources as <br />indicated. <br />(.CONTRACTS. ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CLERK TO THE BOARD) <br />23 BOOK .73 PnE. jQ <br />