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Director Davis explained that they met with St. Johns on a <br />staff level, which is what precipitated today's item, but felt <br />that it should be discussed at a higher level. <br />GLENDALE PARK PUMP STATION MODIFICATIONS <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 6/14/88: <br />TO: <br />THRU: <br />FROM: <br />SUBJECT: <br />BACKGROUND <br />CHARLES P. BALCZUN <br />COUNTY ADMINISTRAT <br />TERRANCE G. PINTO " <br />DIRECTOR OF UTILI VICES <br />JOHN F. LANG <br />ENVIRONMENTAL S ECIALIST <br />DEPARTMENT OF U ILITY SERVICES <br />GLENDALE PARK PUMP STATION MODIFICATIONS <br />DATE: <br />JUNE 14, 1988 <br />The Glendale Park Subdivision is presently being served by a small <br />package wastewater treatment plant. The plant is located on 14th <br />Avenue between 4th and 8th Street. The plant has-been turned over <br />to the County by the Homeowners Association who have petitioned the <br />County to improve the existing lift station, and connect to an <br />existing County force main on 13th Avenue. <br />The total estimated cost of construction for this project is <br />$29,400.00 as designed by the engineering consulting firm of <br />�Masteller &.Moler Association, Inc. The Project was advertised for <br />bid, and bids were opened April 27, 1988. <br />The low bid was $28,886.00 by Ted Myers Construction. The other <br />bids were A.O.B. Underground, Inc. at $28,950.00 is Collee <br />Mechanical Inc. at $30,248.50, and Coastline Utilities, Inc. at <br />$32,610.00. <br />ANALYSIS <br />The firm of Masteller & Moler has submitted on June 1, 1988 a <br />recommendation for acceptance of the low bid and bidder. The <br />Department of Utility Services concurs. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Department of Utility Services recommends. that the Board award <br />the bid to Ted Myers Contracting and execute the contract documents <br />which will be forthcoming. The Department of Utility Services is <br />funding this project from impact fees. <br />31 <br />d00K 73 78 <br />I <br />