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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, that the Board authorize the <br />necessary paperwork to cancel the existing contract, <br />and purchase caustic soda from other sources in the <br />interim of rebidding this item. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked if we could just cancel Lot 5 of <br />the contract while staff proceeds with negotiation, but <br />Commissioner Bird felt a little uncomfortable in doing that and <br />suggested tabling this item until the County Attorney's office <br />has had an opportunity to read the contract and in the meantime <br />authorize staff to purchase it elsewhere. <br />COMMISSIONERS BIRD AND BOWMAN WITHDREW THEIR MOTION. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously (3-0) <br />tabled this item until the County Attorney's <br />office has a chance to review the contract and <br />report back. <br />DISCUSSION RE NO SWIMMING SIGNS AT THE KIWANIS-HOBART PARK SWIM <br />LAKE AND OTHER LAKES IN THE COUNTY <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 6/20/88: <br />TO: Charles P. Balczun, <br />County Administrator <br />FROM: James W. Davis, P.E. <br />Public Works Director <br />SUBJECT: Hobart Park Swim Lake <br />DATE: June 20, 1988 <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDITIONS <br />During the May 12, 1988 meeting of the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee, the Committee considered a memo by Attorney Sharon <br />Brennan regarding County liability for swimming or boating <br />accidents in County Parks. At the conclusion of the discussion, <br />the Committee recommended that staff should inventory all lakes <br />BOOK 73� f�10E .90� <br />'JUN X119 43 <br />