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on county property, and if it appears that residents are swimming <br />in the lakes they should be posted with "No Swimming" signs. <br />Also, any known hazards should be posted on appropriate signage. <br />Since the May 12 meeting, numerous memos and inquiries have been <br />received by staff regarding alleged safety problems at Hobart <br />Park Swim Lake (copies attached). Whereas the Parks and <br />Recreation Committee intended that Hobart Park Swim Lake remain <br />open to the public, staff has recently felt that the lake should <br />be temporarily closed until the, perimeter of the lake can be <br />inspected for snakes, alligators, etc., that any submerged <br />objects be located if present, and that minor improvements be <br />made to improve water quality and flushing. The lake was <br />temporarily closed to swimming last Wednesday by staff until the <br />above matters are addressed. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />The following lakes on County property have been inventoried and <br />are posted as follows: <br />Vero Highlands Lake Posted "No SwimminQ"�_ <br />Grovenor Estates Lake Not posted. <br />Tropicolony. Lake Not posted -- <br />Glendale Lakes Subdivision Lakes (4)• Not Posted. <br />Vero Lake Estates Lakes (2) Not Posted-.. <br />Kiwanis Hobart Park Lakes (2) Temporarily PoAtea <br />r ft--SWirming n <br />Sandridge Golf Course Lakes (numerous) Not Posted.- <br />County Shell Pit -4th Street/74th Avenue Not Posted-' <br />The alternatives are as follows <br />Alternative No. 1 <br />Post all lakes on County property "No Swimming" with the <br />exception of the Hobart Park Swim Lake south of 77th -Street. <br />This lake should be inspected for hazards and minor improvements <br />made to improve water quality. It is anticipated that work will <br />take two weeks. <br />Alternative No. 2 <br />No evidence of swimming has been found at the 4th Street/74th. Ave. <br />shell pit lake not the Sandridge Golf Course lakes. In addition, <br />the Glendale Lakes Subdivision lakes are used by property owners <br />who own lots abutting the lakes. Public access is not provided <br />to these lakes. As a result, these lakes could remain unposted. <br />The remaining lakes would be posted as recommended in Alternative' <br />No. 1 above. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUNDING <br />It is recommended that Alternative No. 2 be approved. Funding_ <br />for improvements to come from Fund 001-210 Parks Budget. <br />,Commissioner Bird felt that if we have a situation at the <br />Hobart Park swim lake that is unsafe and unsanitary, we should do <br />what we have to do to correct it, and make it available to the <br />public. He would like to see us go in and clean up the area, and <br />if we have a couple of trees on the edge of the lake that are <br />harboring snakes, let's remove the trees and create as nice a <br />beach area as we can, while continuing to monitor the quality of <br />44 <br />Boor 7 f,Auc 91 <br />