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the water. Then we can post the proper signage that the lake is <br />available on a swim at your own risk/no lifeguard on duty basis, <br />and that no diving is allowed. The Legal Dept. feels if we post <br />those signs in a proper manner, the County should be on fairly <br />safe grounds from a liability standpoint. Commissioner Bird felt <br />there are many people in the county who like to use that lake <br />because they are afraid of the ocean, don't like salt water, or <br />cannot afford a private pool or belong to the YMCA. They are the <br />type of people who are out working to put food on the table, who <br />otherwise would be here this morning filling the chambers and <br />asking that the lake be kept open to swimming. If we can do some <br />additional clearing around the lake to move the cattails further <br />back and create more open area, then he would like to see staff <br />reconsider it and reopen it on a swim at your own risk basis. <br />After considerable discussion and advice from Assistant <br />County Attorney Bill Collins regarding the liability of posting <br />"no swimming or diving" or "swim at your own risk" signs at <br />various county lakes, the Board indicated their agreement to <br />Director Davis' recommendation of Alternative #-2. - <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, the Board -unanimously (3-0) <br />approved Alternative #2 for posting of "no swimming" <br />signs at the following parks as recommended by Director <br />Davis: <br />Vero Highlands Lake <br />Grove nor Estates Lake <br />All the lakes in Kiwanis-Hobart Park, with the <br />exception to '-tie swim Take. <br />The lake north of 77th St. behind the arks area <br />Tropicolony'Sundivision lake <br />Glendale Lakes Subdivision lakes (2`) should not be . <br />posted <br />Director Davis did not have strong feelings about posting <br />the lakes in the Sandridge Golf Course as he believed there is <br />JUN <br />45 <br />21198 BOOK 73 r,, ,H 92 <br />