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right-of-way. The sidwalk is required by the ordinance, and <br />staff feels it is needed for pedestrian traffic through and <br />around the project. Staff, therefore, is recommending denial of <br />the appeal. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if there was a contribution of <br />right-of-way on AIA or whether we paid for it, and Mr. Boling <br />advised that there is 10 feet there and we have not paid for it. <br />It is not on the capital improvements program, and it would not <br />qualify for traffic impact fees. They can either reserve it or <br />dedicate it; however, they show dedication on their site plan <br />that was approved. <br />Attorney Vitunac advised that there is no way for the Board <br />to grant the appeal of the applicant at this time because there <br />is no mechanism in our code for such an appeal. This is an <br />absolute requirement. This matter is on the Agenda today so that <br />if the Board feels our code is wrong, they can direct staff to <br />rewrite the code to allow variances from the sidwalk requirement <br />under certain conditions. <br />Chairman Scurlock pointed out that in some neighborhoods, <br />there are gaps between sidewalks of 15-20 ft., especially along <br />AIA, where older developme.nts abut newer developments which have <br />had to built sidewalks. He did not believe that was the Board's <br />intention when they approved the sidewalk requirements. <br />Robert Keating, Director of Planning & Development, advised <br />that the Board soon will be reviewing a draft of a plan regarding <br />policy on the installation of bike paths and sidewalks, and some <br />of the issues that have been identified in this matter will be <br />addressed in that plan. The plan will show proposed locations <br />and priority of the bike paths and sidewalks and will set up an <br />implementation system, with recommendations as to whether the <br />funding should come out of County funds or result from <br />development's action. <br />BOOK 13 PA E 110 <br />