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1, <br />in <br />taken care of by Mr. Faber and that road is closed to U.S.1, you <br />will have commercial traffic going through a residential area. <br />Chairman Scurlock did not agree. He pointed out that you <br />could put a barrier across which would prevent access from U.S.1 <br />to the residential area, but you still would have access to the <br />commercial area from U.S.1.; it just would not be through <br />traffic. <br />Discussion ensued at length in regard to various alterna- <br />tives, price, etc., and Mr. Faber continued to emphasize the <br />street problems which affect not only his business, but the <br />Senior Citizen's center as well as a few of the residences on <br />14th St. He pointed out that actually that street is split with <br />commercial and then houses, which is an unfortunate situation. <br />He advised that his attorney has suggested that they can live <br />with just paving their portion themselves and blocking it at his <br />730 house. That is only a parking lot now for the Clock <br />Restaurant and the people on the other side. When this is done, <br />the access to Faber Press would be from 6th Avenue so that the <br />only traffic coming down their side would be people coming to <br />their building, and there are not that many and only a few <br />trucks. <br />Commissioner Bird agreed that blocking it off as suggested <br />by Mr. Faber probably is the best alternative since we don't want <br />14th Street to become a through street and encourage people to <br />get onto U.S.1 from that location. <br />Mr. Faber continued to emphasize the problems caused by the <br />people who drive through and run over their water meters, their <br />lawn, etc., and stated that he, therefore, would like to fence <br />around his buildings, pave his own part, block off the road right <br />there', get back his $1,500 and forget about the street. If in <br />the future the county wants to build the street, that is fine - <br />they will.take down the barricade, give the land back, etc. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed the prior owner gave the $1,500, <br />and Mr. Faber advised that the prior owner was Bobby Hiers, and <br />13 <br />BOOK 7 (o �E 53 <br />