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problem, the Chairman believed we are now in litigation with The <br />Clock Restaurant. <br />Director Keating confirmed that the Clock Restaurant has <br />been under fine from Code Enforcement for quite a while, and the <br />county is in the process of terminating that fine which would <br />involve foreclosure proceedings. <br />Commissioner Bird assured Mr. Faber that we are trying to <br />remedy this, but it is a very complicated situation since we do <br />not own the R/W. <br />Administrator Balczun noted that the public R/W extends <br />westerly and what people assume is a public road is, in fact, <br />private property. Chairman Scurlock believed the Board decided <br />we do not want to have it a public road. <br />Attorney Steven Lulich informed the Board that he has been <br />retained as counsel for Mr. Faber. He felt whether the county <br />owns the property or not is not one of the main considerations. <br />This R/W is being used by the public and it is being maintained <br />by the county; so, the county has some liability whether they <br />actually own it or not. The condition of the road is severe, and <br />Mr. Lulich believed it is possible an accident could cost the <br />county more than I a million in damage suits. He further noted <br />that the county is holding $1,500 that was placed in escrow to <br />have that road paved and the county received a 25' easement <br />from the previous owner of the Faber property. When Mr. Faber <br />purchased this property, he knew about all this, and he bought <br />the property relying on the county to perform. <br />Attorney Lulich realized this is a complex issue with a lot <br />of parties involved, and if the county doesn't.feel it is <br />economical to fix it properly, that is understandable, but it is <br />leaving Mr. Faber hanging. They, therefore, feel the county <br />should either do something about this or give back the $1,500 <br />cash and the'25' easement that was taken so at least Mr. Faber <br />can straighten up the property himself. However, once that is <br />12 <br />BOOK 73 F.,,. 152 <br />