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Wednesday, August 10, 1988 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, met in Special Session at the County Commission <br />Chambers, 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, <br />August 10, 1988, at 8:30 o'clock A.M. Present were Don C. <br />Scurlock, Jr., Chairman; Gary C. Wheeler, Vice Chairman; Richard <br />N. Bird; Margaret C. Bowman; and Carolyn K. Eggert. Also present <br />were Charles P. Balczun, County Administrator; Charles P. <br />Vitunac, Attorney to the Board of County Commissioners; and <br />Virginia Hargreaves, Deputy Clerk. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and announced that <br />this emergency meeting of the Board was called in order to <br />consider one item - Administrator Balczun's contract. <br />DISCUSSION RE TERMINATION OF ADMINISTRATOR'S CONTRACT <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that yesterday on a 4 to 1 vote, the <br />Commission decided to exercise what we believed are our provi- <br />sions under the Administrator's contract; even though there may <br />be some controversy about whether it was or was not signed. The <br />Chairman stated that he does have a transcript (and it is on its <br />way) of the meeting that particular item was decided, and he felt <br />it clearly reflects that we have a position. After yesterday's <br />meeting, the Chairman believed it became apparent to a number of <br />Commissioners, who did contact Mr. Vitunac and request a Special <br />Call meeting, that 90 days is a very questionable amount of time <br />in light of possible litigation with our County Administrator. <br />Commissioner Wheeler informed the Board that, in view of <br />yesterday's meeting, he talked to Mr. Balczun again yesterday <br />afternoon; so, what he is going to say comes as no surprise to <br />him. He continued that he told Mr. Balczun yesterday that he had <br />G 10 1999 Boa i F,Ari. <br />