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Commissioner Bird is asking about vacancies, and she believed <br />there are no existing vacancies - is that correct? <br />Commissioner Bird clarified that we have two people who are <br />suspended with pay, and it bothers him that they are getting paid <br />and are not doing anything productive. He felt we need to get <br />this resolved as quickly as we can in keeping with our personnel <br />procedures and wondered how the Administrator perceives that - is <br />he ready to make a final decision? <br />Administrator Balczun stated that he is ready to review Mr. <br />Vitunac's recommendations with respect to a hearing officer in <br />the Kiser case; to review the backgrounds of the two attorneys he <br />suggested; and assuming one is suitable, to proceed directly to a <br />hearing within whatever time period Mr. Vitunac suggests. Then <br />based on whatever the hearing officer decides, within a very <br />reasonable time period (a day or two, based on what the decision <br />of the hearing officer is) to render a decision on his part. <br />With respect to the Blankenship matter, again to meet with the <br />County Attorney and to take action with respect to the next step. <br />That is a different kind of a case because the matter is still <br />before the courts, and he really needs Mr. Vitunac's advice on <br />that. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if the Administrator values Mr. <br />Vitunac's opinion so much and wants to work through the County <br />Attorney's office, how come he never did up until this point. <br />The Chairman noted that Mr. Vitunac was involved at the eleventh <br />hour every time; he never had documentation all the way through <br />these various processes until the eleventh hour. <br />Administrator Balczun disagreed with that representation. <br />The Chairman asked Attorney Vitunac whether he had been <br />involved on these matters up front. <br />Attorney Vitunac stated that he was not involved in the Mary <br />Kiser matter until after she had been suspended. In the <br />Blankenship matter, Mr. Balczun called him after he suspended him <br />the next day. <br />6 Boos 73 rnE 418 <br />