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r � � <br />last few years, we have levied some high fines but given the <br />violator a way to mitigate, and he wished to know if the $60,600 <br />is what we have actually received in cash. <br />Director Baird explained that we have received over that <br />amount; however, some of it had to be escrowed until the time <br />frame for mitigation has expired. We have had three big fines <br />over the last three years, and the main revenue we are showing is <br />cash forward. The majority of this money will be left in contin- <br />gencies so that if the Board wishes, they can transfer the money <br />during the year to landscape county property, buy trees, etc. <br />Chairman Scurlock believed the Commission has indicated they <br />feel some of our main entranceways and boulevards look rather <br />shabby, and Commissioner Eggert stated that she would like to use <br />some of these funds to improve Indian River Boulevard South. <br />OMB Director Baird noted that the Board authorized $20,000 <br />for landscaping at parks during the budget hearings; so, there is <br />$20,000 to landscape park areas plus $20,000 contingencies. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to be heard in <br />regard to any of the proposed budgets.for the Other Operating <br />Funds, Enterprise or Internal Service Funds, or Capital Projects <br />just announced. There were none. <br />DISCUSSION RE THE SOLID WASTE DISTRICT <br />At this point, Chairman Scurlock informed those who came <br />into the meeting late that there has been some confusion about <br />the SWDD (Solid Waste Disposal District) and the Board now has <br />set the final date to appeal the assessment as of the close of <br />business on September 16th and would encourage those with <br />complaints to meet with Mr. Pinto prior to filing an appeal. <br />Chairman Scurlock then turned the floor over to Utilities <br />Director Pinto to make an explanation of the SWDD and its <br />proposed budget and answer any questions posed by the public. <br />Utilities Director Pinto informed those present that at the <br />last Board meeting, the final transfers of all funds from the <br />SEP 7 1 16 mor 74 F�vr,E 193 <br />L_I <br />