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PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />SUMMARY OF ACTIONS <br />OCTOBER 13, 1988 <br />During the 10/13/88 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, the <br />following actions were recommended to the Board: <br />1) Sailboard Agreement <br />The Committee recommended that the County Commission renew <br />the Sailboard Agreement to rent sailboards on the Wabasso <br />Causewaywith the following amendments: increase payment to <br />$300/year, and includea clause stating that the agreement <br />can be terminated with or without cause on 60 days written <br />notice. <br />2. Mini -car track at Fairground <br />A notice has been sent to Doug Upton, Action Hobbies, <br />notifying him that the County finds him in default of his <br />lease. The Committee recommends that the County Commission <br />advertise for proposals from parties interested in operating <br />the track. <br />3. Wabasso Park <br />The Committee`hrecommended that a better access be provided <br />into the Wabasso Park. <br />4. Round Island Park <br />The Committee requested that Jim Davis check into the <br />feasibility of securing Round Island Park with some form of <br />gate. <br />5. Request from Paradise Park for clearing of small <br />neighborhood recreation area. <br />The Committee was opposed to development and maintenance of <br />small neighborhood parks. They asked Jim Davis to prepare a <br />recommendation for the Committee, and alternatives for the <br />residents. <br />There being no further business, on Motion duly made, <br />seconded and carried, the Board adjourned at 10:00 o'clock A.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />Clerk Chairman <br />(The Chairman announced that immediately upon adjournment the Board of County Commis- <br />sioners will reconvene as the District Board of Fire Commissioners of the North County <br />Fire and South County Fire Districts.) Those minutes are being prepared separately. <br />• d <br />46 <br />OCT 1 8 1988 <br />RooK 74 F' L566 <br />