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First dollar coverage (No Deductible) with one million limits of <br />liability on General Liability and Worker's Compensation is <br />$906,310. This figure will have the possibility of being as much <br />as $200,000 higher when audits are conducted based on current <br />State Worker's Compensation rates, actual experience modification <br />promulgated by the State and final audited payroll. This could <br />possibly total $1,106,310. <br />One hundred thousand dollar deductible on the General Liability <br />with one million limit on the General Liability and first dollar <br />coverage on the Worker's Compensation would cost approximately <br />$821,533. With possible audit bills of $200,000 the total cost <br />would be approximately $1,021,533. <br />With the above $100,000 deductible plan the County would have to <br />handle claims in house as well as the legal part of claims in <br />house in addition to the payment of premium. If done with <br />present staff there would be little extra cost. If hiring <br />outside service it might total approximately $100,000. <br />SCHLITT SERVICES PACKAGE PLAN <br />County N. Fire District S. Fire District <br />Deductible $191,040 Included Included <br />100,000 Claims <br />service included. <br />Attorney service <br />not included. <br />1,500,000 limit <br />per claim. <br />Property <br />5,000 Deductible $58,102 Included Included <br />Worker's Comp. $76,103 Included Included <br />175,000 Deductible <br />Each loss includes <br />claim service. Not <br />Attorney fees under <br />$175,000. one million <br />deductible. <br />Risk Management $45,000 Included Included <br />service for above <br />claims handling and <br />Safety counseling <br />for Gen. Liability <br />and Worker's <br />Comp. <br />Fidelity Bond $3,465 <br />The above program is proposed with the concept that all claims <br />service is included. Attorney's fees are considered part of the <br />claim. Attorney's fees will be considered part of the <br />deductible. <br />Please note that if there are different type losses on the same <br />occurrence date, the different deductibles apply. For example if <br />there is property loss, Worker's Compensation and General <br />Liability loss due to one incident, a $5,000 deductible for <br />property, $175,000 for Worker's Compensation and $100,000 for <br />General Liability will apply or $280,000. The most that will be <br />paid per occurrence for a Worker's Compensation loss is one <br />million dollars. <br />Total for the above is $370,245. This would leave approximately <br />$826,209 after statutory bonds are paid in a County bank account/ <br />loss fund for payment of claims under the deductible amounts. <br />This money would accumulate interest and not be paid until a <br />claim is paid. 47 .Q <br />75 FVE <br />NOV 11988 <br />