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GALLAGHER - BASSETT <br />General Liability (Includes Property, Public <br />Officials and Auto) and Worker's Compensation <br />County N. Fire District S. Fire District <br />100,000 . $638,000 Included <br />Deductible does <br />not include claims <br />service or Attorney <br />fees which are con- <br />sidered part of <br />claim. One million <br />limit. <br />Included <br />The above program operates so that the County keeps the remaining <br />money budgeted for insurance or approximately $600,000 in an <br />insurance claims fund accumulating interest. When claims are <br />paid a bill is sent to Finance. The Risk Manager can approve or <br />disapprove claims to be paid over $2500. <br />The most the County could pay in one year is the $600,000 that <br />was budgeted for insurance, Plus $638,000 premium totalling <br />$1,238,000.Ueductib14.above experienced loses. When the $600,000 <br />is used, aggregate coverage kicks in to cover claims on a dollar <br />one basis up to onemillion for five more claims. The County <br />would have to have over eleven different occurrence losses <br />(different times) over $100,000 in order to pay anything toward a <br />claim. <br />The past four years experience has not indicated that this is <br />likely and is the basis upon which insurance companies rate <br />exposure and figure premiums. <br />The average paid over the past four years for all types of <br />coverage is $135,000. The possibility of eleven catastrophic <br />losses ever occuring in one year is minimal as all insurance <br />agents who have submitted package plans are aware. <br />The same scenario could occur with any of the other plans <br />submitted. With Florida League of Cities, a claims bill which <br />might exceed one million would be paid by the County. In other <br />words if a claims bill was returned for five million, the Florida <br />League would pay one million, leaving four million to be paid by <br />the County. Where a small child loses an eye or limb that <br />possibility is always present. <br />The Schlitt program would work similar except that the limits are <br />$1,500,000. Claims are not paid however based on a claims bill. <br />For example if a County driver hits and kills a small child and <br />the parents file a wrongful death action, the County may want to <br />settle this for $500,000. This would be possible under the <br />Schlitt program. The county would pay $100,000. Insurance would <br />pay $400,000. <br />Under. the Florida League program, the County could not settle a <br />claim and be compensated by the League. It would have to be a <br />judgement predicated by a claims bill or civil rights action. <br />If present coverages are renewed, the cost is as follows: <br />48 <br />N Q V 11988 <br />BOOK 75 F'a;E 48 <br />