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Alternatives are as follows: <br />1. Keep the present policy. <br />2. Allow no boat docks until principal use is built. <br />3. Allow boat docks to be built but not used until the <br />principal use is built. <br />4. Allow boat docjks as a permitted use. <br />Staff recommends Alternative #4. This is the same procedure <br />which has been used by the by the City of Vero Beach for <br />several years and seems to work well. <br />This matter is brought before the Board for direction. <br />Chairman Scurlock referred to the concern that has been <br />expressed by residents that people would build docks and put a <br />boat there and never build a house. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if there are a lot of these vacant <br />lot docks in existence, and Acting Administrator Collins <br />confirmed that there are, and everyone causes major paperwork <br />with multiple letters back and forth to the banks on each letter <br />of credit. He advised that the primary problem is that even <br />though they are called irrevocable letters of credit, the banks <br />put a date on them when their exposure ends, generally one year. <br />Our ordinance, however, calls for the letter of credit to <br />continue until the person builds the residence, and there is no <br />way to tell when someone is going to build. <br />Chairman Scurlock did not believe we wanted it to be <br />convenient for people to build docks without houses. <br />Commissioner Wheeler personally felt strongly that anyone <br />owning such property should be able to build a dock, and he did <br />not see that there is any problem with a vacant lot having a dock <br />and a boat being tied there. You just can't use it as a <br />commercial enterprise. <br />Chairman Scurlock did not agree; he felt we must protect the <br />residents in the area, but Commissioner Wheeler believed we have <br />ordinances that protect the residents. <br />Commissioner Eggert also did not like the idea of vacant <br />Lots with boat docks nor did Commissioner Bowman, and Chairman <br />NOV 15 1988 <br />42 <br />Roo 75 DGE186 <br />