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ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by Commis- <br />sioner Eggert, the Board unanimously authorized staff <br />to advertise a public hearing to consider amending <br />the ordinance by reducing the fee required to $1,500 <br />and requiring -cash'.' <br />Mr. Gardener asked if the Board could consider reducing the <br />level of permit on this from a minor site plan to administrative <br />approval, which would speed up the process and lighten the load <br />for the Planning Department, but Director Keating explained that <br />the reason it is in there as an administrative permit is so we <br />have the ability to put the extra requirement on the posting of <br />the bond, and he felt it almost has to stay the way it is. <br />PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORT <br />Commissioner Bird went over the following summary: <br />PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />SUMMARY OF ACTIONS <br />NOVEMBER 10, 1988 <br />During the 11/10/88 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, the <br />following actions were recommended to the Board: <br />1) Mini -car Track at Fairground <br />Mr. Upton wants to renew his lease and appoint Paul McCall <br />to manage the track for him. The Committee unanimously <br />agreed that they did not think the lease should be renewed <br />with Mr. Upton. <br />2) Round Island Park <br />The Committee recommended that gates be installed to secure <br />the park at sundown. They also recommended that poles and <br />cables be installed to keep 4 -wheel drive vehicles out of <br />the park at night. <br />3) Dale Wimbrow Park <br />It has been requested that swings be installed at Dale <br />Wimbrow Park. Pegi Wilkes will investigate the cost of <br />swings and report back to the Committee at the next meeting. <br />4) GDC request to donate park site to.County at Vero Beach <br />Highlands <br />The Committee recommended that the County Commission <br />encourage GDC to develop the property as a recreation space <br />45 <br />NOV 15 1988 <br />BOOK <br />75 F'.GE189 <br />