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for the subdivision, and for them to retain ownership and <br />maintenance of the property. <br />5) South County Park property <br />Mr. Ansin has apparently changed his attitude in regard to <br />selling the County the land fronting on Oslo Road for a <br />South County Park. itl*as suggested that Jim Davis and <br />Commissioner Bird make a trip to Miaini°if necessary to talk <br />to Mr. Ansin. <br />In regard to Item 1.- Mini -Car Racetrack, Commissioner Bird <br />advised that the committee wrote the present leaseholder that <br />they had decided to recommend not to renew his lease but seek new <br />proposals, but that he could submit if he wished. He further <br />informed the Board that the present owner is not even in this <br />area; he wants to hire a manager to handle this locally. His <br />present performance record is very poor, however, and as far as <br />the committee is concerned, he is an undesirable tenant. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by Com <br />missioner Eggert, the Board unanimously declared <br />the mini -car track facility at the Fairgrounds <br />available for lease and authorized staff to begin <br />negotiations with some new operators. <br />Item 2. - Round Island Park, Commissioner Bird informed the <br />Board that Parks Superintendent Rex Hailey already has a crew <br />working on securing the park. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the status of Sebastian Inlet <br />State Park, and Commissioner Bird reported that we have gotten <br />maps from the State which delineate the area. He had believed <br />the best option for the county would be for residents not to have <br />a fee, but he has been informed the state absolutely cannot do <br />that; they have an opinion from the State's Attorney that county <br />residents must be charged alike at all state parks. If county <br />residents can't have free admission, he would at least like to be <br />assured that the money received will be used at the park, and he <br />NOV 151988 <br />46 <br />BOOK <br />75 FACE 190 <br />