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detailed so that it could be worked with, and didn't realize <br />until recently that there is a desire to keep some vegetation in <br />place along Jungle Trail that is not native, such as some of the <br />exotics that are deemed undesirable in other parts of the county. <br />Commissioner Bird wondered whether when we say leave it <br />natural, are we going to just let nature have its way and allow <br />whatever vegetation to grow there, such as Brazilian pepper <br />trees, or are we going to try to encourage the replacement of <br />those with more desirable types of species. <br />Mrs. Bunnell felt that is exactly what this discussion and <br />input will bring up and decide. She wished to advise the Board <br />that she had attended the meeting in Indian River Shores with the <br />developers and engineers, and was satisfied with the plans they <br />have come up with to correct the problem. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion was <br />voted on and carried unanimously. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt the direction of the Board is to <br />direct staff to develop a management plan in a timely fashion, <br />and Director Keating advised that they could schedule a workshop <br />for early January, get it to the P & Z in late January, and bring <br />it to the Board in early February. <br />DISCUSSION RE CLOSING OF 16TH STREET (ROCKRIDGE) <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated 12/9/88: <br />DEC 1988 <br />13 BaZQli /5 FACE 357 <br />