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r MAR ? 1989 <br />BOOK <br />YI <br />fACE 301 <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bird, Commissioner Scurlock being absent, <br />the Board unanimously (4-0) added the above described <br />items to the Agenda. <br />REQUEST FOR JOINT CITY/COUNTY MEETING <br />Ken Macht, Mayor of the City of Vero Beach, advised the <br />Commission that the City has been discussing what is confronting <br />them in the area of utilities, and it was generally felt that we <br />should have a one agenda item Special City/County Meeting so we <br />can understand each other and the public can understand where we <br />are heading in the next few years, and possibly at the same time <br />we can settle some territories and boundaries. He suggested the <br />dates of Wednesday, March 29th, or Thursday, March 30th, the <br />meeting to be held at City Hall. <br />Commissioner Eggert inquired about the scope of what we <br />would be talking about in utilities, and Mayor Macht felt most <br />importantly, it would be sewer and water, which, of course, would <br />lead into solid waste and resource recovery, though he believed <br />we can only get into concepts in a one day meeting. At the very <br />least, he felt we need to produce a boundary map. <br />Chairman Wheeler thought we had squared off some districts, <br />and Mayor Macht believed so but did not feel it ended up in a <br />definitive map. <br />After some discussion, Thursday, March 30th, at 9:00 A.M. <br />was tentatively settled on for a joint meeting. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Commissioner Bowman wished to remove Item D for discussion. <br />2 <br />