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MAR 21.6 9.'39 <br />BOOK 76 Fa E.,98 <br />Commissioner Scurlock commented that if we are actually <br />$100,000 ahead, this is still the peak season, and he believed <br />they, therefore, should have a pool of about $50,000 available <br />right now; so, he would suggest they immediately spend that <br />$50,000 on the most needed improvements. <br />The Administrator confirmed the improvements are to be done <br />in the order listed, with the rain shelters being first priority. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if more rain shelters were needed <br />than shelters with bathrooms, and Commissioner Bird explained <br />they need one shelter complete with comfort facilities on both <br />nines. <br />OMB Director Baird reviewed the figures and reminded the <br />Board that the initial plan had been to move over $446,500 out of <br />the General Fund, but we have not had to do that because the <br />course has done so well. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed Commissioner Bird has done an <br />absolutely outstanding job working with the committee in creating <br />and managing this course along with Director Komarinetz, and <br />although he personally was a doubter in the beginning, he has <br />already discussed with them the possibility of adding another <br />nine holes. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Eggert, the Board unanimously authorized <br />staff to apply any surplus golf course revenue to <br />purchase of the three improvements listed and also <br />gave permission to use up to $50,000 of the excess <br />funds escrowed in the debt service account, if <br />necessary, based on making these improvements <br />cautiously and in the order discussed above. <br />(NOTE: Budget Amendment #061, was not needed because we are using <br />cash which is classified as an asset and line transfers are done <br />only for revenue and expense items.) <br />6 <br />