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In conclusion, staff feels that the proposed boat ramp facility <br />would not be incompatible with adjacent uses based upon its small <br />scale (14' x 40') and the landscaping improvements that are <br />proposed in conjunction with the finished plan. Currently, many <br />of the residences of the River Shores subdivision, that have <br />access to the canal in question, utilize boat docking facilities <br />(i.e. docks, piers, etc.). With this in mind, the Grove Isle ramp <br />facility is not incompatible but is instead a continuation of the <br />conditions that have existed on the canal for many years and <br />should therefore be allowed. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners grant the <br />appeal request overturning the Planning and Zoning Commission's <br />vote to deny approval of the boat ramp facility and grant major <br />site plan approval to this application with the three (3) con- <br />ditions (revised) as outlined in staff's presentation. <br />Stan Boling, Chief of Current Development, explained that <br />this is an appeal of a portion of an overall site plan. The <br />Planning & Zoning Commission approved everything in the Grove <br />Isle site plan except the boat ramp, which is the issue here <br />today. Using graphics, he pointed out the area where the <br />recreation area and boat ramp would be located, and advised that <br />the area is presently zoned RS -6, single family residential with <br />densities of 6 units per acre. On an aerial view of the area, he <br />explained that the heavy black line is the dike line that was the <br />environmentally sensitive line referred to in the 1982 ordinance <br />that rezoned the property. He noted that none of the development <br />occurs from that line over to the river. The jagged line is the <br />environmentally sensitive line that was determined when Grove <br />Isle came back in and redid their site plan on this part of the <br />project. That line was determined by the Planning Department and <br />other agencies. Although the recreation area is within the new <br />environmentally sensitive area, it is not within the 1982 <br />environmentally sensitive area which was included in the zoning. <br />Roland DeBlois, Chief of Environmental Planning, explained <br />that the boat ramp would access the drainage canal on which River <br />Shores has 10-12 single family docks. <br />13 <br />MAR 2 8 1989 <br />BOOK 16 <br />FSE 453 <br />