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Conclusion <br />The subject parcel is located in a relatively undeveloped area of <br />U.S. 1 between Vero Beach and Sebastian. An analysis of the <br />existing commercial and industrial nodes in the Winter Beach Area <br />and the MXD indicates that there is an ample supply of <br />commercially and industrially designated land to accommodate <br />current and near future demand. The subject parcel has a depth <br />ranging from 350 feet to over 400 feet between U.S. 1 and Old <br />Dixie Highway. The parcel also has over 600 feet of U.S. 1 <br />frontage and 700 feet on Old Dixie. It is staff's opinion that <br />the parcel is .suitable for multi -family housing. Given these <br />circumstances, staff cannot justify support of this request. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the analysis performed, staff recommends that this <br />request for commercial zoning be denied. <br />Robert Keating, Director of Planning & Development, <br />explained staff's recommendation for denial of this rezoning <br />request. From an aerial view of the site, he showed the various <br />zonings surrounding the subject parcel. Since there is a lot of <br />undeveloped land in the area, there is not a significant pattern <br />of industrial or commercial use. This area was designated MXD <br />because of the mixed pattern of uses and because it was really <br />difficult to take that long, extensive area and determine how the <br />land uses should be structured. The text of the Comp Plan itself <br />gives some guidelines that MXD areas should be developed in the <br />predominant land use pattern in the area. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked Director Keating to address the <br />strip commercial along <br />one of the policies in <br />proliferation of strip <br />there, and Director <br />the Comp Plan is to <br />Keating explained that <br />reduce or prevent the <br />commercial development in this county. <br />One of the difficult issues this Board <br />past is whether or not there should be <br />way up and down U.S. #1. He believed <br />has wrestled with in the <br />a commercial strip all the <br />there are more residential <br />uses adjacent to U.S. #1 in this county than there are in the <br />other east coast counties. There are many problems with strip <br />commercial development which relate to traffic, aesthetics and <br />general use types of use that occur with them. Some of these <br />problems can be minimized through good site planning and land- <br />scaping requirements, etc, but what you generally get is an <br />inefficient land use pattern. <br />APR 11 1989 <br />20 <br />BOOK <br />76fE5, <br />