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Mr. Ugowski explained how the building is designed to be <br />entered from two points - for the main parking lot on the 21st <br />Street side, there is an entry on the south side, and then there <br />is to be an overhang along the east side of the building so there <br />will be a covered walkway to facilitate those parking on the <br />north side to reach the entrance facing 16th Avenue and be under <br />cover most of the way. He further noted that they have planned <br />it so that the Library will have important frontage as related to <br />the Master Plan that is being proposed for the 6 block area and <br />there is to be a major auditorium that seats 200 people which is <br />designed so that it will be accessible when the main building is <br />closed. <br />Commissioner Scurlock wished to know the total book inven- <br />tory they would be able to place in this facility, and Mr. <br />Ugowski advised that they do not know the total volume of books. <br />What they go by is the linear feet of shelving that will be <br />required to accommodate the books. <br />Mr. Dowell assured the Board that the shelving they have <br />planned for should accommodate the total volume of books <br />projected, and Commissioner Eggert pointed out that the state <br />requires that we project out for about 20 years. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed most architect's have <br />something that represents their "signature" on a building and <br />wished to know what Dow, Howell, Gilmore considered their <br />signature on a building. <br />Mr. Ugowski believed that it is the use of light. They <br />pride themselves on bringing in nature and Tight. He felt it is <br />something you sense more than see. <br />Mr. Howell confirmed that they try to create a transparency <br />that is appealing and this is done by creating light and airy <br />space. <br />Commissioner Scurlock wished to know if they do the air <br />conditioning design internally, and Mr. Ugowski stated that they <br />hire consultants with whom they work very closely. He stressed <br />17 <br />APR 18 1989 <br />Ekoo� Fact I��J <br />