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APR 2 0 1989 <br />BOOK 73 f'A.GE 66 <br />rate setting." He wished to make it clear that when you talk <br />about nondiscriminatorty manner, it would relate to the cost of <br />rendering that service. He did not want to have the Commission <br />sit here 5 years from now and a surcharge is added and we say is <br />that what it meant. <br />County Attorney Vitunac noted that the county rate treats <br />all alike. This would be a wholesale rate. <br />City Manager Little agreed and stated that the City does not <br />have a surcharge on wholesale rates; with wholesale, you are just <br />looking at the cost of delivering a product to a particular <br />delivery point, whether it is water, sewer, or electric. <br />Commissioner Scurlock wished to have some more specific <br />language regarding that, and Attorney Vitunac suggested that we <br />just add wording stating that this "shall not include any <br />surcharge." <br />City Manager Little had no objection to that language being <br />added to the agreement to preclude that possibility. He noted <br />that is not the way you do wholesale rates in any event. <br />Commissioner Scurlock then wished to be clear re the terms <br />of our indemnification under Paragraph 6. The way he read it is <br />that our 400,000 gpd allocation, plus the release of 200,000 gpd <br />from the Hospital District, would equate to a 600,000 gpd <br />allocation, and he assumed we are indemnifying the City for <br />anything above that 600,000 gpd. In other words, the notice to <br />the Commission and staff is that we are assuming liability for <br />any extension of service beyond that 600,000 gpd on a temporary <br />basis. <br />City Manager Little stated that is correct, and further <br />noted that when Mr. Pinto and Mr. Goff sign off on the DER form <br />to be submitted to him for signature, they are on the hook for <br />all of us because they are saying we can submit it to the DER <br />because by the time this plant needs this capacity, the County <br />plant will be able to handle it. <br />10 <br />