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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bowman, that the Board authorize <br />Commissioner Bowman to work with administrative <br />personnel, using county resources, to pursue this and <br />make the necessary contacts and bring back all the <br />facts. <br />Under discussion, Commissioner Eggert noted that McKee <br />Jungle Gardens has been a special place to her as it was a place <br />where she and her late husband spent a good deal of time. While <br />she is very supportive of doing something with it, she would like <br />to see a referendum held, or least a straw vote, to make sure <br />that we really have the community's support behind us in this <br />acquisition. <br />Commissioner Bowman felt we need to consider acquisition of <br />additional wetland areas and perhaps float a big bond issue for a <br />whole package of environmental acquisitions. She felt we should <br />acquire these wetlands now if we can possibly do it. <br />Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that this community just <br />passed the 1 -cent optional sales tax, and did so with the promise <br />that each 5 years we would put together a capital projects <br />program and go through the public hearing process, not a <br />referendum, to determine the use of those funds. In fact, we <br />will be using some of those funds as seed money for acquisition <br />of property for the South County Park near Oslo Road and 20th <br />Avenue where we plan on doing something similar to Memorial <br />Island. He would be supportive of a referendum if that was the <br />only way we could get it, but he was not sure that we need to <br />have a referendum on every item that comes before this Board. He <br />also pointed out that it costs money to hold a referendum. <br />Commissioner Bird asked about public access to the wetlands <br />along the river, and Mr. Fletcher advised that the Indian River <br />Farms Water Control District ties together the two wetlands via a <br />APR 2 6 1989 <br />17 <br />BUGK 76 F-687 <br />