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800K .76 Fid, 74,E <br />MAY 21989 <br />Clerk Barton stressed that his big problem is two areas <br />which just continue to grow and you must keep those records on <br />line; you don't wipe them out each year - that is Recording and <br />Traffic. <br />Commissioner Scurlock wished to know how long the 38 could <br />continue to function before we would have to make the purchase <br />if we could say right now that we could relieve the Clerk's total <br />load 10%. <br />Clerk Barton believed the way all areas are growing, that in <br />6 months, he will be at 100%; so, even with removing 10%, he <br />would be right back where he is now. <br />Discussion continued, and Commissioner Scurlock believed <br />what the Chairman is getting at is valid. He did not feel the 5 <br />Commissioners have the in depth knowledge necessary to make a <br />decision today, but should let Administrator Chandler work with <br />Mr. Barton to study this and come back with a timely <br />recommendation either to purchase it or say we don't have enough <br />facts and we need some analysis outside of the county. <br />Administrator Chandler advised that he has met with Clerk <br />Barton briefly, and he has no question that the Clerk has needs <br />and we do also, but he has not had time to assess what the <br />overall needs are and how they come together. When he first came <br />to the county, he had believed that he would not have to address <br />computers until after this year's budget, but with all that has <br />come up on this subject recently, he realizes that it will be <br />necessary to move up the priority to get into this study. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that in talking to all the Con- <br />stitutionals and department heads over the years, it has become <br />very apparent there is no way we can go to one computer for the <br />whole county. It is obvious there are major needs that need to <br />be satisfied, however, and he felt the main thing is to get them <br />computer systems that will do their job but that have the ability <br />16 <br />