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to talk to each other so they can share information. Apparently <br />they need different systems or different models. <br />Clerk Barton agreed, but noted that he is telling the Board <br />that he has a need; it is immediate. There are two choices - how <br />do we want to pay for it - time payments or cash. He stressed <br />that he has the ability as a Constitutional Officer to ascertain <br />what he needs both to operate his office and to do what he has to <br />do on the Board's behalf. <br />Commissioner Bird believed we can address how to pay for it <br />at budgettime; he felt what the Clerk is asking today is for the <br />Board to say yes or not to the acquisition of the computer. <br />Administrator Chandler commented that he had assumed there <br />was a third alternative, and that is to spend money for the short <br />range expansion of the existing system. However, the question is <br />whether that is cost effective. <br />Clerk Barton advised that he does have the money currently <br />in the budget to accomplish that alternative, but he personally <br />does not feel that it is cost effective for anyone. <br />Discussion continued regarding the percentage that could be <br />removed from the 38 and then the question of what computer you <br />shift those applications to. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed that at least one thing <br />finally has been settled and that is that he does not hear any <br />discrepancy that the System 400 is the hardware to go to. We <br />seem to be headed in that direction, and the question is how many <br />and where. <br />Administrator Chandler felt the question also is whether <br />going that way with the Clerk meet all our needs or are we going <br />to need our own System 400 in addition. <br />Mr. Barton pointed out that if the Board is talking about <br />their own computer, they have to staff it also. <br />Discussion continued at length regarding the possible <br />extension of the life of the 38. Chairman Wheeler contended that <br />the Clerk could <br />increase his storage capacity 40o <br />with <br />the <br />MAY 6 <br />17 BOOK <br />76 <br />74 <br />