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SAY 2 19 9 nor 76 FP,t 751 <br />in-house and set up over two years, after which they send in a <br />team of 5, all from an outside state, to go through the manuals, <br />observe and suggest corrections. He also talked to the Ocala <br />Police Department about this, and the biggest single plus he sees <br />is the fact that it is catching on rapidly all across the <br />country. He felt this would help streamline the department and <br />make it a lot simpler when the Sheriff or Police here are <br />standardized with the rest of the country. <br />Commissioner Bird noted <br />that <br />the <br />results of this will <br />be <br />only as good as what you put <br />in it <br />and <br />the way you use it, <br />but he <br />did feel it does tend to lead us towards more professional law <br />enforcement, and since the cost is to come out of the LEA Funds, <br />he saw no reason to delay it any further. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Eggert, to approve the Sheriff's request to <br />use LEA Trust Funds to pursue the accreditation process. <br />Commissioner Scurlock assumed everything would be public <br />record, and this was confirmed by Undersheriff Raymond. <br />Chairman Wheeler believed that Sgt. Getchell acting as the <br />accreditation manager is going to have to devote possibly 800 of <br />his time to this program; so, he wished to be assured one more <br />time that we don't need another person to fill his position. <br />Undersheriff Raymond agreed that Sgt. Getchell is going to <br />have to devote additional time to this, but he assured the <br />Commission that while they all realize it will take additional <br />time, they feel that there is enough benefit to be gained that <br />they are willing to provide the extra time. He stated that he <br />personally is willing to come in nights; they are committed to <br />moving forward with this process. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />24 <br />