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community in terms of having a safe and healthy environment, <br />which is what occurred in Los Angeles. There are billions of <br />acres of undeveloped areas all across the country, but people <br />tend to crowd into certain areas. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that if you look at the map, a <br />tremendous area of this county falls under the restricted areas, <br />and he felt that could tend to pack people in other areas. <br />Chairman Walker noted that there are people who will be <br />jeopardized if we allow others to build where they shouldn't. <br />Director Davis did not feel it is that drastic a problem. <br />He advised that the Indian River Farms Water Control District <br />study is just saying that in those areas, the developer should <br />set aside 40 of the land mass to hold the water on the site. <br />Discussion continued at length regarding drainage and the <br />possibility of pumping water back into the marsh area in the <br />future rather than in the river. It was generally felt we must <br />set proper density levels taking all this into consideration. <br />Director Davis felt 1/2 acre lots could be accommodated in <br />the floodplain areas, but did not feel we should get into 1/4 <br />acre or smaller lots. <br />Commissioner Bird questioned how having more smaller lots <br />affects this problem, and Director Davis stated that having more <br />of the smaller lots creates more impervious surfaces. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to be heard. <br />There were none, and he thereupon closed the public hearing. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Scurlock, to acknowledge the emergency <br />nature of this situation and to adopt Emergency <br />Ordinance 89-12 amending the Stormwater Management <br />Ordinance. <br />a <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he will vote against the <br />Motion because he <br />just doesn't feel <br />we know enough <br />about <br />the <br />Y <br />2 1989 <br />31 <br />BOOK. <br />758 <br />