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MIN <br />members he had there, and she felt that was our problem right <br />now. <br />Attorney Vitunac stressed that we even bent over backwards <br />further than that, which probably is more than the law allows. <br />We gave him more than family members and gave him whatever <br />members he had working there at that particular time in history, <br />and he won't tell us what that number is. Why not? <br />Attorney O'Haire felt that it is because it is a requirement <br />being made of him that is not being made of anyone else. He <br />maintained that Mr. Kirrie is not improperly zoned, and has not <br />been improperly zoned. ROSE -4 is a zoning category just like our <br />1-A and Mr. Kirrie made application for site plan approval on <br />that. He is not illegal. <br />Director Keating stated that Attorney O'Haire is incorrect. <br />There is a provision in the ordinances to allow home occupations <br />throughout the county, and one of the provisions in there is very <br />similar to ROSE -4. The ROSE -4 district only allows the activity <br />to be conducted by family members residing in the place where the <br />home occupation approval is given. Director Keating emphasized <br />that staff approves home occupations all the time and asks for <br />the number of people who will be engaged in that activity. <br />Commissioner Scurlock understood then that it is common <br />practice for the county to ask the number of people who will be <br />employed in that operation and that the ordinance limits it to <br />family members, and Director Keating confirmed that the County <br />has a form for that that has to be filled out, signed and <br />notarized. <br />Chairman Wheeler was sympathetic toward Mr. Kirrie, but in <br />looking at home occupations under the ROSE -4 ordinance, he didn't <br />feel that "conducted" meant "supervise". <br />Commissioner Scurlock felt that the whole effort at the time <br />was to try to be fair and say we will hold you harmless and what <br />you have now is what you got, and we are not going to come in and <br />reduce the number of employees, but just tell us how many <br />y y t6 0 9 <br />ti <br />21 mor PAGE. 854 <br />