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persons and include <br />office, secretarial <br />courtroom. <br />mor 7 7 c135 <br />with the project an additional judges <br />area, hearing room, and waiting area for the <br />There. are a number of reasons why such an addition is required <br />including; <br />1. Within the next five year period we can expect to get <br />at least one if not two additional circuit judges in the 19th <br />circuit. At the present time there is no office space <br />available in the courthouse to provide offices to an additional <br />judge. <br />2. .Additional courtroom space is necessary when cases are <br />moved to this county or lengthy trials require additional judges <br />to cover existing case load. Beginning June 12, 1989, Judge <br />Geiger will be trying a criminal case that is expected to take <br />between 6 and 8 weeks. At the end of August Judge Kanarek will <br />be trying a 3 to 4 week civil trial and additional judges will <br />be covering his regular case load. During these times there <br />will not be sufficient courtrooms available to handle the <br />matters that need to be taken care of. <br />3. There are currently two resident circuit judges hearing <br />cases in Indian River County and three resident circuit judges <br />with their offices in the courthouse. In the past there have <br />been one or two non-resident circuit judges assigned to hear <br />cases in Vero (this was before Judge Kanarek was appointed to <br />the bench). It is expected that this will occur in the future <br />however there is no office space presently available. <br />4. Many of the circuit court civil cases are now scheduled <br />for mediation. Use of the mediation procedure has allowed us to <br />keep pace with our ever increasing case loads by obtaining <br />settlements in cases that wduld have otherwise required trial. <br />At the present time we are using a conference room in the County <br />Administration Building. It would be preferable that this <br />mediation occur within the Courthouse and if an additional <br />non -jury courtroom was available it would provide an appropriate <br />setting for mediation. <br />5. Both county and circuit judges could make us of a <br />non -jury courtroom in handling matters that should be held in a <br />courtroom setting but do not require a jury. This would include <br />small claims matters, juvenile proceedings, dissolution of <br />marriage actions -and all related contested family law matters, <br />and all non -jury cases in both circuit and county courts. <br />6. When the proposed courtroom was not being used for any <br />of the above it would also provide quarters for grand jury <br />proceedings and could serve a jury assembly area where jurors <br />could wait until they were called to a courtroom. <br />We rO believe that the site of a new non -jury courtroom and <br />related offices would best be located in the courthouse annex in <br />the space now occupied by the Public Defender's Office. We <br />understange <br />that.such a location would require that the Public <br />Defender moved at additional expense however we believe that <br />there are at least two overriding concerns which can only be <br />resolved by keeping the additional courtroom in the present <br />courthouse complex. First, from a security point of view it <br />would be substantially easier and less expensive to provide <br />courtroom and judge security for a space that was part of the <br />courthouse complex. Second, as part of all court proceedings <br />there is the necessity for access to court files and records. <br />It would create a substantial burden on the Clerk to have to <br />move files to an area away from the courthouse. <br />36 <br />