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JUN 0i Bm. 17 F,, u 158 <br />Commissioner Scurlock suggested that we get an affidavit <br />from the Superintendent, but the County Attorneys indicated that <br />it is not needed at this time. <br />Asst. County Attorney Collins noted that there are old <br />records that indicate Jungle Trail was a 50' R/W in 1923, but we <br />would have to go back to St. Lucie County Records to check <br />ownerships. <br />Some discussion ensued regarding the cost of researching <br />those old records, and Commissioner Eggert felt we should move <br />ahead with the vote on the Maintenance Map and get it on record. <br />Attorney Kevin Doty, representing the Historical Society, <br />stated that he did not have any problem adopting a map with the <br />existing R/W as long as the Board will allow him to present some <br />evidence this morning that suggests there is, in fact, a 50' R/W. <br />Beulah Law informed the Board that she also had a Resolution <br />that she wished to be allowed to present later. <br />John Dean, county resident and architect, presented the <br />Board with copies of a 1936 Florida State Road Department map. <br />(Copy of said map is on file 4�in the Office of Clerk to the <br />Board.) Mr. Dean pointed out that on this map Jungle Trail is <br />designated as State Road 252, and classified by the State of <br />Florida as a graded and drained roadbed, and they also find maps <br />in the Tax Appraiser's office that show the road and describe it <br />as having a full 50' R/W; so, just a very superficial investiga- <br />tion shows that Jungle Trail was 50' and a state road that was <br />graded and had a drainage system. He continued that there with <br />some calls to the state, they have determined that there is no <br />question of returning this R/W to public land owners. They also <br />find that taxes are being paid on property not including Jungle <br />Trail. Some of the descriptions start at the center line of <br />Jungle Trail and show 25' off the centerline. When you put the <br />25' and 25' together, you find there is possibly 50' of land that <br />has not had taxes paid on it. Surely if the 50' R/W was never <br />returned to private ownership, land owners are not paying taxes <br />20 <br />