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on it, and the state had it listed as a graded, drained road, <br />then he felt the public should know this prior to any Maintenance <br />Map being filed. Mr. Dean stressed that the county to date has <br />not done the research. He felt it is easy at this point to yield <br />to an 18-20' R/W, especially because the developer has a lot of <br />pressure on him, but simply to yield this R/W is not in the <br />interest of the citizens of the county. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked staff if we are giving up any rights <br />to the 50' by filing the Maintenance Map for less. <br />Attorney Collins clarified that we are establishing a claim <br />to the 18-211, and if evidence later proves the 50' R/W, we have <br />not divested ourselves of any rights to the larger amount. <br />Chairman Wheeler then did not see any reason not to file the <br />Maintenance Map, but Mr. Dean contended that more research should <br />be done first. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed the standpoint of the Commis- <br />sion is that there is no question that we have rights, and those <br />rights are yet to be exactly determined. He felt the appropriate <br />action would be to authorize staff to file the map to vest as <br />many rights as we possibly can and then direct staff to do <br />research to identify any additional rights beyond those on the <br />Maintenance Map we file. <br />Attorney Vitunac suggested that we put language on the <br />Maintenance Map indicating that we are not waiving any rights to <br />any other land we might own up to the 50' line, which he felt <br />would satisfy all objections. He agreed with Attorney Collins <br />that we don't divest ourselves of anything without that language, <br />but it wouldn't hurt to include it. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked if the Board were to adopt the <br />Resolution approving the abandonment and realignment of Jungle <br />Trail contingent upon all the conditions recommended by staff, <br />which are to be discussed in the next agenda item, and we have <br />the agreements between the Town and the County, would it not <br />21 <br />J M Y ® 1989 BooK 77 F',�,,-[ I <br />