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BOOK 77 f.+..E <br />Mr. McQueen then referred to the photos in the booklet <br />showing the citrus, Australian pines, oaks, pepper trees, and <br />areas of natural oak hammock along the roadway. He referred to <br />the drawing showing the limits of the Town of Orchid, noting that <br />the Polo Club development is to the north. On the ocean side, <br />Orchid owns 35-40 acres of land and proposes a beach club and <br />some single family homes and beach villas. On the west side of <br />A -1-A is about 560 acres of land, some 450 in uplands, and about <br />110' in mosquito impoundment. The development consists of an 18 <br />hole golf course, a golf club, a beach club and a tennis <br />facility. They propose a total of 400 units, but Mr. McQueen <br />believed it will end up something less than that. He pointed out <br />the 71 acre tract in Orchid presently zoned commercial, which he <br />believed would be developed like the Village Shoppes. They are <br />negotiating with the County on utilities, and in conjunction with <br />the Polo development have constructed a water main that goes from <br />the North Beach plant to the north limits of the Polo <br />development; they also want to get sewer service through county <br />utilities. They have talked to the Fire Chief about dedication <br />of a site for a fire station and emergency vehicles. Mr. McQueen <br />advised that there are 70-80 lots in the development that have <br />been contracted for. Their preliminary plat has been approved <br />by the Town of Orchid and the golf course, in the areas outside <br />the Jungle Trail area, is about 80-90% completed and a lot of <br />that grading, clearing, and planting is in place. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that he has received a number of <br />letters which suggest that the request for the realignment is <br />based on security reasons, and he asked if that is valid. <br />Mr. McQueen agreed that is a valid point, but thought it is <br />a little more than that. This obviously will be a private <br />gatehouse community.similar to many others on the Barrier Island <br />in the county. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted when you talk about security, <br />52 <br />