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pursuing letters of no objection; although, staff has changed <br />their recommendation about that to have them conform to Director <br />Davis' recommendation about their realignment. He then referred <br />to a letter received from the Uniola Chapter of the Florida <br />Native Plant Society, which he believed endorses the new align- <br />ment, and he also felt a letter from the Historical Properties <br />Associates, which talks about a "no-win" situation, is somewhat <br />an endorsement for the realignment. Mr. McQueen personally felt <br />that both sides win with what they have proposed. As to the <br />importance and value attached to having Jungle Trail put on the <br />National Register, he felt the Commission must consider whether <br />what they are doing is to the benefit and best interests of the <br />public, and noted that the value of the real estate they are <br />proposing to put in the county's hands is about 1.7 million. He <br />further pointed out that the letter from the State of Florida <br />about the National Register states that the owners of the site <br />being proposed for nomination are notified in writing and given <br />an opportunity to comment on the proposal, but they were not <br />notified nor given an opportunity to comment. It also states <br />that if the owners object, the site will not be listed. Mr. <br />McQueen believed it could benefit the developer for this to be on <br />the National Register as it would give them some tax advantages, <br />and if the Historical Society wishes, they would pursue this <br />being on the Register subject, of course, to the realignment and <br />abandonment. <br />Mr. McQueen wrapped up his presentation by addressing the <br />following conditions in staff's recommendation. <br />3.) In regard to the applicant granting property lying east of <br />the realigned portion except 200' at the entrance, they would <br />like to change that to dedicate all that portion south of their <br />entrance except the first 5001. That would give the developer <br />control of his entrance. <br />4.) Re the 30' building setback being a buffer area, they have <br />agreed to establish the first 10' of that as a conservation <br />57 <br />-- <br />