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JUN "i 198 Bou I7 Fa E <br />198 <br />Commissioner Bird commented that Mr. Doty made the statement <br />that any deviation from the present alignment would jeopardize <br />the Trail's historical value, but he believed there has been <br />evidence presented that the alignment of this Trail has been <br />realigned over the years; so, he did not know what the magic date <br />is that would have an effect. <br />Attorney Doty advised that he could only say that previous <br />alignments have not been documented at this point. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that back early in the discus- <br />sion, he asked Mr. Boling some very specific questions, some of <br />which related back to native vegetation. The real fact of the <br />matter is that the existing Trail that is there now is not what <br />was there, and what is more indicative of the history is the 100 <br />year old oaks and the live orchids that happen to be within the <br />coastal hammock, and he wished that to be spread on the record <br />because that is the reason he asked those specific questions. <br />What is indicative of history is not necessarily an orange tree. <br />That's not what was originally there. <br />Attorney Doty did not wish to debate that point. He noted <br />that is one interpretation, but it is not his. He also referred <br />to staff comments about criteria not being clearly met and stated <br />whether it is clearly met or not, it is clearly not clearly met. <br />Attorney Doty then referred to a letter addressed to him by <br />William Thurston, Historic Preservation Supervisor, of the <br />Florida Division of Historical Resources, regarding the proposed <br />realignment in which Mr. Thurston stated that "we can only <br />comment that such action could impair the historic character of <br />the road and its potential eligibility for listing in the <br />National Register." He next referred back to the letter received <br />by Millie Bunnell of the Historical Society from Dr. William <br />Adams of Historic Property Associates, noting that he reaches an <br />absolutely different conclusion than Chief Planner Boling did <br />after reading the same letter, which stated that "Relocation of <br />the road will, obviously, destroy the historic authenticity and <br />60 <br />