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Commissioner Scurlock didn't feel there were any simplistic <br />solutions to the budget review process, but agreed that it is a <br />difficult task to look at all our departments and try to come up <br />with what the community needs and can afford. He believed the <br />minimum,increase the Sheriff should have this year is 180. <br />Commissioner Bird noted that population growth affects all <br />departments of the county, but even with the cutbacks, the <br />Sheriff's Dept. has received a higher rate of increase than the <br />others. <br />Sheriff Dobeck didn't agree that population growth impacts <br />the county departments equally. <br />Commissioner Bird, in order to be fair, wanted to reserve <br />comment until he sees the rest of the county budgets. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted that this is just a workshop <br />meeting today where we can get some idea of what the Sheriff <br />needs. <br />Commissioner Eggert suggested that the Sheriff come up with <br />a 5 -year long-range plan and present it to a workshop, and the <br />Sheriff thought it would be helpful to see what the Commission's <br />idea of increased growth, what funding they think would be <br />available, and if there are other sources of funding out there <br />for some of these areas. <br />Commissioner Bird just suggested that we leave the door open <br />to the Sheriff for a future workshop on long-range goals and <br />budget needs, and just have the Commission more involved and more <br />knowledgeable with the situation over there. <br />The Sheriff repeated his invitation to the Commissioners to <br />come over and ask any questions they might have so that he might <br />provide that information to them. However, he expected the <br />Commissioners to have more questions of his operation than he <br />would have of theirs. <br />Chairman Wheeler stated that he could support some sort of <br />formula, and maybe have some kind of panel to work with the <br />3 �� <br />BOOK E 258 <br />'JUL 6 1989 <br />