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JUL � `i9�� Boor 77 FAGE <br />Sheriff, where we could have some confidence that what he is <br />doing and what the County is doing are the correct things to do. <br />He suggested that the TRIM notices state how much an individual <br />taxpayer is giving toward the Sheriff's Department, the County., <br />the Hospital District, the Mosquito District, etc., and the Board <br />indicated that might be a good idea. <br />Sheriff Dobeck emphasized that the current proposal of $14 <br />million, a 21.5% increase, would cost taxpayers about 55 cents in <br />taxes per day. He felt that if people aren't willing to pay <br />cigarette money for law enforcement, there's something wrong with <br />society. <br />Commissioner Scurlock had no question that Sheriff Dobeck <br />has consistently tried to do the best he can do to give quality <br />law enforcement to this county. <br />Commissioner Bird recommended, and the Board agreed, that <br />they review the Sheriff's budget again at the appropriate time <br />during the budget workshops later this month, and, hopefully, <br />arrive at a final figure at that time. <br />There being no further business, on Motion duly made, <br />seconded and carried, the Board adjourned at 11:25 a.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />Clerk Chairman <br />4 <br />W— W W <br />