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,AUG 1'08,9 <br />F.aF tr.,. _ <br />80OK 2 <br />feel there is a bona fide bid less than that fixed price and we <br />reject and redesign, then we have to pay for the redesign. <br />Commissioner Bird pointed out that we have 3 other reputable <br />companies that bid and all came in around 1.8 million. They <br />probably all got their bid figures from a lot of the same sub- <br />contractors, and they all came in within the same range. <br />Administrator Chandler noted that if the Board feels an <br />error was made on the part of Mr. Ivey and that his real bid <br />should have been $1,840,000, then, in his opinion, all bids will <br />have exceeded what our fixed unit price contract is, and, <br />therefore, that redesign would be incumbent upon the <br />architectural firm at no expense to the county. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked why the building permit was based on <br />$1,000,000, and Mr. Ivey could not answer. He explained that he <br />did not put the bid together himself, -and he, therefore, was not <br />sure that it is. <br />Chairman Wheeler noted that because of Ivey's mistake, they <br />have opened the county up to having to pay additional fees for <br />architectural design, possibly litigation, etc. He personally <br />felt if he were a judge, he would look at the time the bids were <br />opened, and those would be the bids. <br />Attorney Collins agreed that the presumption would be <br />against Mr. Ivey because of the concern for the competitive <br />bidding process. <br />Commissioner Bird asked -if Stottler, Stagg did not design a <br />similar library in Brevard County, and Mr. Bibo confirmed that <br />they designed a much more elaborate building there and the <br />pricing of that bid was in line. <br />Commissioner Scurlock stressed that he felt the very worst <br />thing we can do is force Ivey's to come in and construct the <br />building for 1.2 million, and Mr. Ivey emphasized that he cannot <br />accept the bid at that price. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed the only hook we have is the <br />60 <br />J <br />