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Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that this Comp Plan will <br />be all the reasons to do everything and all the reasons not to, <br />and that's called interpretation. <br />Chairman Wheeler opened the Public Hearing, and asked if <br />anyone wished to be heard in this matter. <br />George Beuttell, 5480 Rosewood Road, representing several <br />property owners on 43rd Avenue, noted that the Traffic Plan does <br />not address 43rd Avenue or any improvements thereon, such as <br />widening it from 16th Street to SR -60. <br />Public Works Director Jim Davis advised that 43rd Avenue is <br />approaching the Level of Service "C" very rapidly, but, in our <br />opinion, the consultant's model did not load up that corridor. <br />In fact, it shows a decrease in the trips on 43rd Avenue for the <br />next 20 years. Staff doesn't feel that is practical, and we have <br />asked them to take a harder look at 43rd Avenue. We feel that <br />some widening should be done from 12th Street to SR -60. <br />Mr. Beuttell didn't know the protocol to get 43rd included. <br />in the improvements, and Chairman Wheeler explained that Director <br />Davis will revisit this and bring it back in the public hearings <br />where we can thrash out the particulars. Today is just kind of <br />an overview before the public hearings. <br />Carol Johnson, representing Citizens for Progressive Action, <br />felt that the Planning 8 Zoning Commission did an outstanding job <br />in their public hearings and that the Board should be very proud <br />of their staff who were receptive to suggestions that were <br />presented. She noted that when they were not receptive, they put <br />up their best arguments, some of which she felt swayed some <br />people who made presentations. Mrs. Johnson wished to ask the <br />Board for some assurances, since we are holding public hearings <br />very close to the time this plan has to be submitted, that the <br />August public hearings will indeed be a time when we can address <br />again some specifics with the receptiveness we have seen in the <br />10 <br />