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AUG 1531989 <br />noF fi7 PA.0 606 <br />in their developmental plans for the future, they may envision <br />having more than just one driveway. <br />Planner Boling agreed that could make a difference and that <br />would be an appropriate request to tack on to any site plan <br />approval request in the future. <br />Commissioner Scurlock asked if that would allow them at that <br />point to designate their entranceway St. Edward's Drive, and <br />Planner Boling confirmed that if they had multiple addressing <br />sites there, it would fall in line with the policy we have had in <br />projects such as Sea Oaks and others. However, you have one <br />institution with one address site now. <br />Commissioner Scurlock could understand staff's position <br />about precedent and concern about the possibility of receiving <br />many applications for changing designation; however, he felt the <br />Board does have the ability to say this is unique, and he <br />believed the precedent isn't going to be something we can't <br />overcome. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Eggert, to deny staff's appeal and <br />uphold the PEZ Commission decision to officially <br />designate the private driveway accessing the school <br />as a named road. <br />John Stinson, Growth Management Coordinator for the Post <br />Office, informed the Board that part of their concern was not <br />just the name change of the street, but also the fact that St. <br />Edward's wished to change the number and call it One St. Edward's <br />Drive. If the name change is going to be allowed, the Post <br />Office would ask that the number at least fall into the 100 block <br />range that it should for that area. <br />Commissioner Bird did not feel there would be any problem <br />with that, and this was confirmed by a gentleman from the audi- <br />ence representing St. Edward's School. Commissioner Bird stated <br />10 <br />S <br />_I <br />