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AUG 2 j 1989 <br />Commissioner Eggert wanted "commissions" changed to <br />"advisory committees," and have i, reworded to state that these <br />advisory committees would be appointed from time to time instead <br />of saying that we shall have them by such and such a date. In <br />addition, she wanted it to say that these committees would be <br />"sunsetted" after achieving their goals. She felt this is <br />reflected in Policy 1.4 where it states that the Board will be <br />presented a program by 1992. <br />Commissioner Eggert requested a change in Policy 2.2 on page <br />45. Where it says that Indian River County shall provide for <br />adequate lands for residential land uses, she would like it to <br />read: "Indian River County shall designate adequate lands for <br />residential land uses." She understood that staff is working on <br />a definition of "affordable housing" so that there would be a cap <br />to it. <br />Commissioner Eggert next referred to Policy 3.3 on page 46. <br />She wanted very much for us to support our housing agency and the <br />community development committees or corporations in the sense of <br />helping them get grants, etc., but had a problem saying that we <br />shall form a Community Redevelopment Agency by 1992. She felt <br />there are a lot of levels of things we could do to help with <br />redevelopment before getting into what she considers a very tight <br />structure. <br />Director Keating felt that could be easily eliminated, but <br />explained that the reason staff put it in was that the <br />redevelopment agency has more discretion in acquiring property <br />and disposing of property, etc. <br />Commissioner Bird suggested that we say that we are just <br />going to address it somehow and not create an agency. <br />Commissioner Eggert requested that it state "that the County <br />shall support the Housing Authority and community development <br />corporations and other projects within the county and, if <br />necessary in the future, form a redevelopment agency." The <br />Housing Authority has a problem in getting grants because the <br />14 <br />_ M M <br />