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AUG _j„�J <br />EOOK ( 650 <br />Chairman Wheeler opened the Public Hearing, and asked those <br />who wished to speak on any of the individual elements to please <br />come to the podium at the time those elements come up for <br />discussion. <br />VOLUME 1 <br />INTRODUCTORY ELEMENT <br />No comments. <br />FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT <br />Nancy Offutt advised that she has been monitoring the <br />process of the Comp Plan on behalf of the Board of Realtors, the <br />Chamber of Commerce, and the Indian River Arts Council, and while <br />she would be attending the public hearings later this week, she <br />wished to read aloud the following concerns and observations that <br />these organizations would like the Board to consider; <br />1. The number of proposed commission -appointed committees <br />j and advisory boards which may usurp authority of elected officials. <br />2. The trend to purchase/acquire private property for <br />public use. <br />3. The extent to which private property will be impacted <br />by conservation restrictions, easements, and landscape require- <br />ments. <br />4. The level of service standards expected for infra- <br />structure, government services, etc. which require -,concurrency <br />to avoid moratorium. <br />i <br />5. The reliance upon impact fees to fund infrastructure, <br />to the extent of recreation and "hurricane evacuation facilties.” <br />6. The increased costs of development due to required <br />studies and analyses for traffic, environment, etc. <br />7. Ramifications of a proposed Historical Preservation <br />Ordinance and Historic Commission. <br />8.. Increased requirements for road right of way. <br />9. Reductions in densities <br />10Expressed commitment by County to maintaining agri- <br />cultural production. <br />4 <br />