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Mrs. Offutt stated that she would not go into any of the <br />specifics of these particular points at this time, but would have <br />further elaboration and examples of what they are speaking of <br />when the Board goes through the proposed plan element by element <br />at the public hearings later this week. <br />Mrs. Offutt understood that once this process is adopted <br />later this week, the next step would be the adoption of implemen- <br />tation ordinances sometime after January, 1990. <br />Robert Keating, Director of Community Development, explained <br />that this week's public hearings are for the purpose of <br />determining what will be transmitted to the State by the <br />September 1st deadline. After comments are received from the <br />State after a 90 -day review period, the County will have 60 days <br />to address those comments. A final public hearing and a final <br />decision on the whole Comp Plan probably will be held sometime in <br />February, 1990, but the plan can be constantly changed until that <br />time. <br />Mrs. Offutt explained that her question stems from their <br />concern that property owners may have density and other changes <br />made to their land without them understanding the ramifications, <br />and they wouldn't want that to happen as they have tried very <br />hard to get the word out. <br />Continuing with the review of the Future Land Use Element, <br />Commissioner Eggert questioned Policy 1.15. She recalled that <br />when Judge Vocelle was looking for areas to locate a secured <br />substance abuse hospital, half -way house or facility, it came up <br />that the only place we were going to find was in commercial. She <br />noted that on the top of page 107, where it is talking about <br />commercial nodes, it states that residential facilities may be <br />permitted at the appropriate locations in commercial nodes. <br />However, there is nothing in Policy 1.15 that gives her the <br />feeling that it might be the policy under special situations that <br />residential treatment centers would be allowed in commercial. <br />AUG 21 X9®9 5 �UCiK 16 <br />