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Commissioner Scurlock believed the point is that Planning is <br />trying to encourage development where you have the services <br />available. He felt the real answer is that the Utilities <br />Department has the ability to expand service in a very rapid <br />fashion, and if the Commission desires at any point in time to <br />open up an area for service, that can be accomplished easily. <br />Utilities Engineering Operations Manager Fred Merkel stated <br />that he personally did not believe that the number of 25 is <br />really viable. He can see requiring connection for a subdivi- <br />sion of 10. If there is a facility available, it isn't going to <br />be that much for the developer to tie in a 10 unit subdivision. <br />Commissioner Bird felt there would be a considerable cost if <br />they have to run 1/2 a mile to the trunk line, but Mr. Merkel <br />contended that the cost is not prohibitive. <br />Commissioner Scurlock pointed out that in many areas when <br />you have a septic tank, it could require an expenditure of $3,000 <br />or more just for fill, and that is a cost to be considered also. <br />Chairman Wheeler asked if anyone wished to make any changes. <br />Commissioner Scurlock did feel that we should have enough <br />flexibility to take advantage of some interim situations, i.e., <br />some vehicle to allow development to start occurring that might <br />possibly be a bit premature in the sense that we may not actually <br />have our lines on line at the time they start their process. He <br />gave the industrial area out on Oslo as an example. <br />Director Keating pointed out that the county has the option <br />to allow a small industrial development to be on a septic tank or <br />private treatment plant if it meets all requirements, constructs <br />dry lines, and agrees to connect to the county system when <br />available, and a comparable footnote could be included for some <br />other situations if the Board desires. <br />Commissioner Scurlock did not want to open Pandora's box, <br />but felt we should have an option where, if we feel it will be <br />good development and we want it to occur but it is not tracking <br />exactly, we can allow it to happen. <br />AUG 2 3 31 nor. <br />