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2 <br />199 <br />Boos <br />`7AUG <br />Pt,�� <br />72 <br />Mrs. <br />Offutt advised that these policies were referred <br />to <br />at <br />the Planning S Zoning Commission meetings as the "Use or Lose It" <br />philosophy whereby if you expand a node a certain amount, someone <br />loses the same amount of acreage in that node, or if you don't <br />use your property within 2 years, it reverts to its previous <br />zoning. <br />Discussion ensued as to just how this works, and the example <br />was brought up of Shopco going through the DRI process. <br />Commissioner Scurlock wished to know if someone assembles a very <br />large tract and is going to do a DRI, which very likely will take <br />a minimum of 2 years and very likely has different zonings within <br />that property, what assurances they would have as they go through <br />the whole process that they will not be led down the primrose <br />path and that when they finally get to the end of the process, <br />they will be able to build what their development plan intended. <br />Director Keating felt that is covered in Policy 1.24 by the <br />wording "unless such timeframe is modified by the Board of County <br />Commissioners." <br />Commissioner Scurlock did not mind taking a conservative <br />stance, but just wanted to be sure we are consistent so everyone <br />knows the game plan. <br />Commissioner Bird felt Mrs. Offutt makes a good point <br />regarding the "Use or Lose It" situation. He felt nodes should <br />be large enough to accommodate future needs. If we have too <br />little in the node, it drives the price of that land out of <br />sight, and if someone wants to expand a node, and the county <br />wanted to take his part away to make up for that increase, he <br />personally would go to court about it. He believed that the <br />applicant must make a convincing argument to have the node <br />expanded to include his property, but did not feel we should take <br />someone else's away. <br />Community Development Director Keating advised that we have <br />done a commercial land use analysis, which shows that we have <br />substantially more than is needed; so, he did not believe we have <br />4 <br />