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AUG 2'Q-)' 1999 <br />BOOK 77 P°GE 771 <br />120', and what is proposed reflects the fact that there are a lot <br />of different type of arterials. <br />Mrs. Offutt asked if they aren't demanding a lot of R/W for <br />drainage and utilizing a lot more of a person's property in the <br />R/W calling it drainage where you might have had an easement <br />before. <br />Director Davis advised that the drainage is not for remote <br />areas; it is for the impact of the road itself. It is not as if <br />we are taking R/W for drainage that would not be needed. <br />Mrs. Offutt continued to contend that you are taking a big <br />chunk of someone's property and asked what these increased R/W <br />demands will do to impact fees. <br />Director Davis answered that we had R/W acquisitions plugged <br />into impact fee cost per lane mile calculations; so, it should <br />not affect them drastically at this point, but as the cost per <br />lane mile goes up in a district, then the impact fee would be <br />adjusted accordingly. He further noted that the 14 sales tax is <br />a new funding source in addition to the impact fees. <br />OBJECTIVE 5 TRAFFIC CONTROL <br />All development projects approved by the county will provide for <br />adequate traffic control. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 6 PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE SYSTEM <br />By 2000, the county will have a continuous pedestrian/bicycle <br />system providing access throughout the urbanized area of the <br />county. <br />Director Davis reported that we now are incorporating 4' <br />paved shoulders in our new projects, and when a developer or <br />anyone comes in for a R/W permit to add a turning lane, we are <br />asking for the paved shoulders on any road widening. <br />46 <br />s � � <br />